A prefab home is one that’s constructed indoors in a factory-like setting. The finished products are covered & shipped to their new sites, where they’re assembled by a builder. A prefab home isn’t a mobile home; it’s simply a house that’s constructed off-site, in contrary to on-site. These houses are usually known as factory-built or modular homes.

How do prefab homes differ from on-site homes?
Since prefab houses are constructed indoors, they can be finished inside a matter of a few weeks, in contrary to months. They don’t experience the usual on-site construction delays prompted especially by the weather. Prefab houses must fulfill specific guidelines, rules and building codes that usually surpass those of conventional on-site houses.
When thinking about buying a prefab house, it’s critical to shop around, as not all firms that make modular houses are alike. There can be dramatic dissimilarities in price, quality and service of course. As with buying or constructing any house, it’s important to make your research.

Do all prefabricated buildings look the same?
Opposite to popular myth, prefab homes don’t all look alike. There are no design limitations with such homes. You’ve the luxury to build any style of prefab house you want – be it a conventional center-hall colonial or a Mediterranean. You can incorporate any style of architectural detail that you’re looking for. Almost all host plans can be turned into prefab houses, which entails you can build your dream house.
Facts about prefab houses:
- The majority of prefab house firms are equipped with in-house engineering departments that use Computer Aided Design (CAD).
- Prefab houses can be constructed for accessible living & designed for future conveniences.
- Home loans & insurance premiums for prefab buildings are the same as site-built houses.
- Prefab houses are faster to build compared to 100 percent site-built houses.
- Prefabricated builds can be employed for commercial purposes – for example, office buildings.
- Prefab homes designs differ in terms of style and size.
- Prefab homes are known to be a form of green building.
- Prefabricated houses can be constructed on crawl spaces & basements.

Prefab houses are certainly more affordable than site-built houses. Their shorter construction time will save you big on the overall construction. Also, home inspections aren’t required, as these are all done in the factory. Give Aussie Panel a call now if you’d like to give prefabricated buildings a try!
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